Lancashire County Council Logo HWRC Booking System Supplier
Online Booking System User Interface Screen 1
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Kent County Council's 
HWRC Booking System.

Kent County Council has increased Monthly Recycling Rates by 5% & saved £1.4 million a year since implementing our HWRC booking system.

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WRWA's HWRC Booking System.

Western Riverside Waste Authority has saved over £200,000 since implementing this HWRC booking system.

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Staff User Interface For Online Booking System

Easily manage the complexities 
of the DIY Waste Legislation

You'll have all the tools to accurately monitor usage, stop misuse, increase efficiency, generate revenue, and improve comms.

Whether you intend to classify free usage as 4 visits, 2 x 50L rubble bags, 4 x 25L rubble bags, or less than 100L per visit — the module will help you roll out, monitor, and enforce those limits so that you can stop service misuse and fairly administer charges.

You'll get detailed reports on the frequency, amount, and type of waste disposed of per household. This allows you to see who's exceeded the limits, how many times they've done so, how much they've exceeded the limits, the revenue generated, and much more.

To ensure fair usage & accurate charges, site staff will have access to a real-time check-in app that flags DIY Waste visits, highlights usage limits, and enables an instant reconciliation of the waste brought to site.

Stop misuse with custom booking rules, out-of-borough flags, address lookup, vehicle-of-interest alerts, and blocklist functionality.

You’ll have access to a real-time check-in app that allows staff to mark visits as arrived or no-show, reschedule slots, add notes, view additional info, and monitor usage limits.

Online Booking System Staff Interface Screen 1 - bookinglab
Online Booking System Customisable User Interface
Trusted by:
Household Waste Recycling Centres.
We're a trusted partner to some of the largest and most forward-thinking waste teams in the UK.
Average saving across 100+ sites:
per year. 
On average, members of our community save over £450,000 a year by implementing our HWRC Booking Service. That's over a 1000% return on investment.
Council Booking Platform User Interface 5

A better experience for residents 

Meet the expectations of modern citizens by improving comms, enabling self-service, and improving the on-site experience.

Generate automated web journey prompts informing users they have hit disposal limits and provide signposts for additional information on costs and policies.

Generate automated email and SMS messages informing residents of their remaining free usage quota, potential charges, booking updates, site updates, policy updates, and more.

Spread demand evenly and eliminate queues with pre-defined visitor slots, custom booking rules and an AI-powered scheduling engine.

Your DIY Waste Booking Module will meet the WCAG 2.2 AA & comply with ISO27001 & Cyber Essentials Plus. It will also have a guaranteed up-time of 99.95%.

The industry-leading HWRC 
Booking Service.

Improve traffic management, reduce costs, stop service misuse, and increase recycling rates with our industry-leading HWRC Booking Service.

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FAQs: DIY Waste Module

Check out a few of our most frequently asked questions. 

Yes. We have two options available. Option 1: you roll out our Gold HWRC Booking Service. This option allows users to book for all visits and includes the DIY Waste Module as standard. Option 2: You roll out our Silver HWRC Booking Service. This option will enable you to take bookings for DIY waste visits only. To learn more about either package, click the "get in touch" button. 

The recycling centre booking system has four main components:

The user journey: a clean & simple process that enables users to book a tip slot. You’ll be able to customise this journey to add additional steps, questions & rules.

The admin portal: here, you can manage tip bookings for multiple locations, streams & vehicle types. You can also edit schedules & resources, create new locations & services, run custom reports & generate automated notifications.

The check-in app: site staff will have access to a real-time check-in app that flags DIY waste visits, highlights usage limits, monitors payment status, and enables an instant reconciliation of the waste brought to site.

The integration layer: this allows you to integrate recycling centre bookings with your existing digital experience platform, enterprise apps, payment gateway, content management system & more.
We’ve worked with over 70 Household Waste Recycling Centres to create standardised booking journeys optimised for citizens & staff. Key features include:

• Ability to efficiently manage the new DIY Waste Legislation with a purpose-built DIY Waste Module

• Address lookup, out-of-borough flags, vehicle-of-interest alerts, permit/licence checking, integration to ANPR & more

• Ability to handle complex scheduling & resourcing requirements

• Scalable, flexible & secure

• Complex booking rules, processes & logic

• Unrivalled functionality

• Ability to handle high booking volumes across multiple locations

• Advanced Reporting


• Ability to customise & automate communications

• Compliance with the WCAG 2.2 AA & much more
Yes. While our core offering only includes the HWRC booking system, our software uses a REST API, meaning that you can easily integrate payment gateways like Capita, Civica, GOV.UK, WorldPay, HeyCentric, Stripe & PayPal so that you can take payments for commercial waste.
With the DIY Waste Booking Module, you'll have everything you need to:

• Stop service misuse
• Inform & educate residents
• Improve reporting
• Reduce costs & generate revenue
• Improve recycling rates &
• Streamline internal comms
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